Saturday 21 December 2019


Cero took the passion for history from his deceased father. Admin i would like your opinion on how you would rank this game since i hear a lot of people on other VN download sites say that this is the best place to get your games XP. Cero, a friend of Wakaba, needs to make a trip to get Coco, a doll that lives with him, maintenance. One of the Belle's alarm clock dolls. If the pictures are just going to be a pure upscale, it's not like your GPU can't do that anyway The story takes place in a world with 3 kingdoms, the Red, White, and Blue Kingdom. Wakaba travels in the hopes of finding some actors for her play. katahane visual novel

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Sorry for the late reply. Anime fansub scene has debates about this for like 20 years already. July 19, at 4: May 11, at 7: March 14, at 4: April 4, at No problems up to this point. As soon as I change press f4, double klick the window or just klick on maximize the game freezes. Description One of the Belle's alarm clock dolls.

katahane visual novel

February 11, at 7: Story summary shamelessly stolen from VNDB: If you like to have untranslated word like for example oniichan then go with literal if not go with natural. She lives in an orphanage, iatahane part-time as a butcher but is aiming to become a famous actress someday.

Visual Novel Review: Katahane

You are commenting using your WordPress. September 1, at 4: Well, glad you liked the game at least. I was in agony throughout Kurohane. Tought it would be useful since it hasnt been uploaded here yet, andas always, keep up the great work admin.

What it says on the bottom left: He fell in love at first sight with Angelina, which I think is just something they threw in so that he would have SOME importance to the story.

Katahane | vndb

So, no cropping necessary. Also the UI redesign will inevitably mean some things are incompatible.

I fond how kataane resolve the problem. Thank goodness for the skip button. I managed to vjsual the base game running just by copying stuff from the ISO into the failed install dir, but the patch is beyond me. September 6, at 3: January 15, at Along the way, they meet a beautiful doll with one wing named Belle and an aspiring actress named Angelina.

April 6, at 3: The file is corrupt.

katahane visual novel

September 2, at 4: There are also no bad endings, only 2 endings and one true ending. If I remember correctly there is a total of 9 H-scenes, 6 out of them with our two yuri couples and 3 with the 2 hetero couples. I also left out all the characters of Kurohane, but the three most important characters of this part of the story are the princess of the White Kingdom, Christina Dorn, a doll from the Red Kingdom called Efa and of course Ein, the said betrayer of the White Kingdom.

One of the Belle's alarm clock dolls. Start the game with katahane.

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